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Take a look at the latest trends from my show. This experience was amazing and I couldn't have achieved it without my supporters!


Get to Know Me and My passions. My Why for Waking Up Daily Doing What I Love Most.

Other art forms limit me, but clothing is limitless. It can be seen anywhere on anyone and become a voice all on its own.

Design with Ease

Every tear, every desire, every time I have ever loved, that story is implanted into every piece of fabric and color choice.

I have many design stories that need to be told and I want them to shine in the spotlight. I want to shine in the spotlight.

Feel Me, Understand Me.

When wearing my designs, you can feel the passion I poured out into each stitch. You will understand why the textures feel as they do and why the lines meet as they do.

Meraki, meraki, meraki! My heart, my soul, my spirit lives within each article of clothing giving confidence to each wearer. Helping them to find their own self-expression that sets them free.

Every tear, every desire, every time I have every loved, that story is implanted into every piece of fabric and color choice. I love what I do. I love getting my voice heard through this medium. I wouldn't change my voice, my stories, or my art for anything in the world.


How I Stand Out in Such a Monopolized Crowd and How You Can Too!

I chose my unique style and culture because I feel that it is not fully represented. We are not shown to the world properly on how incredibly simple yet beautiful we are.

Design with Ease

“Commercial Hip-Hop does not cover everything. We are more than that.”

We are a culture, a nation of black people that have been compartmentalized into a small stereotypical category that limits us to only a few looks. If euro directed Hip-Hop wasn't what led our fashion, then how would our fashion look? It would look like my clothing line, my collections.

I am always inspired to create new and refreshing designs and put them on a canvas, you! It doesn't matter the ethnicity or culture you are from. Even though my designs are created with the black culture at the forefront, it is available for all to enjoy. I want all people of every shape, size, and culture to take a piece of me wherever, for whatever and feel confident and cool while doing it.


DeSign BlOg

© 2024 by Artystri

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